
Many enterprises complain that traditional support models are notoriously inefficient. Vendors typically dedicate a team of resources to provide support, and since they are required to adhere to fixed service level agreements (SLAs) on the face of unpredictable support volumes, they tend to staff the support team for peak volumes.

To counter this unfair situation, Adroit designs engagements based on the principles of “style="height:100%;"-per-use”. By providing great flexibility of utilization, our SAP Flexi-Packs minimize your fixed cost. Under a choice of various models that can be customized by individual customer situations, we leverage shared-services to react quickly to surges in demand. As a result, Flexi-Packs assure that SLAs are met even against the backdrop of unpredictable peak volumes. In addition, beyond a basic fixed level, it enables you to limit your financial outflow to the level of support your SAP installation actually consumes.
